The universe consists of accidents all pertaining to a single substance, which is the Reality underlying all existences. (This is the teaching of Muhiuddin Muhammad Andalusi, commonly called Ibn al Arabi, died 638 A.H.  This matter has been excerpted from the chapter called Fass al Shaib in his famous work Fusūs al Hakim)

    This universe is changed and renewed unceasingly at every moment and at every breath.

    Every instant one universe is annihilated and another resembling it takes its place.  The majority of men do not perceive this, as God, most glorious, has said: "But they are in doubt regarding the new creation." (Qur'an:1-14)

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    Among Rationalists, Ahl-i-Nazar (those opposed to Ahl-i-Shahūd, the men of spiritual intuition) no one has perceived this truth with the exception of the Asharians (The followers of Abul Hasan al Ashārì, died about 330 A.H.) and the Idealists, called also the Sophists - the Habāniya.

    The Asharians recognise it in certain departments of the universe, to wit, "accidents".  They say that accidents exist not for two moments together.

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    The Idealists recognise it in all parts of the universe, whether substance or accidentsBoth these sects are in error in one part of their theory.  The Asharians  are wrong in asserting the existence of numerous substances - other than the One Real Being underlying all existences.  On these numerous substances, they say, depend the accidents which continually change and are renewed.

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    The Asharians have not grasped the fact that the universe, together with all its parts, is nothing but a number of accidents, ever changing, -

Linked together in a single substance,  Being renewed at every breath.  At each instant disappearing and being replaced by a similar set.  Nor have the Idealists grasped this fact.

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    In consequence of this rapid succession, the spectator is deceived into the belief that the universe is a permanent existence!

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The Asharians themselves declare this:

    They say, the succession of accidents in their substances involve continuous substitution of accidents.  They further say, this happens in such wise that the substances are never left wholly void of accidents similar to those which have preceded them.

In consequence of this the spectator is misled into thinking that the universe is something constant and unique.

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The ocean does not shrink or vaster grow, Though the waves ever ebb and ever flow;     The being of the world's a wave, it lasts one moment and the next it has to go

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In this world, men of insight may discern  A stream whose currents swirl and surge and churn, And from the force that works within the stream  The hidden working of the 'TRUTH" may learn.

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